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  • Cami J Kidder, Director/Producer

opposing female baseball teams high five in the baseball field at the end of the game.

About the Project

Throw Like A Girl is a quest, my quest to understand why American women don't routinely play baseball.  Since Title IX, women's participation in sport has grown, as have opportunities for women - except in baseball.  Basketball is basketball, tennis is tennis, golf is golf, swimming, skiing, surfing  etc….all the same for men and women (with small modifications), but not baseball.  "Baseball is for boys. Softball is for girls," we are told from age 8 or 10 on up.  But why?  

After a trip to the Red Sox Fantasy Camp to live out my dream of being a professional baseball player didn't go well, the blatant sexism of it all really started to trouble me.  So, I decided to see if I could find a logical reason for the exclusion of 50% of the population from playing our National Pastime.

Drawing upon what I observed traveling to 6 different countries, I use baseball as a microcosm for society and to examine unconscious gender bias in a fresh way.  My intention is to start an international conversation about gender inequity and to use sport to make it more accessible to an audience who wouldn’t typically go see a “documentary about feminism.”