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Elizabeth Cook twirls in front of a graffitied wall wearing a star studded jumpsuit with tassels

About the Project

BAD ON PAPER takes us on one woman’s rollicking journey toward creative expression. In midlife, singer/ songwriter Elizabeth Cook is breaking new ground, musically and personally. Years ago, she was plucked by the country music establishment, briefly paraded about as the latest sweet young thing of country music, and then cast aside. Layer by layer, EC is ridding herself of the trappings that have held her back — money troubles, family tragedies, ex-lovers in the way — and forging beyond the limited roles allowed for women in country music. We root for her as she summons the courage to make music on her own terms. The songs on her new album take on a richness and poignancy that reflect a soulful and witty writer, a hard-earned voice that she could never muster as a young ingenue.