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  • Hasan Oswald, Director/Producer
  • Fahrinisa Campana, Producer
  • Annelise Mecca, Producer
  • Stephen Nemeth, Producer
  • Alexander Spiess, Producer

film poster for 'Mediha.' Black and brown background with white text. Image of a person holding up a video camera.

About the Project

Having survived kidnapping and enslavement by ISIS, Mediha and her younger brothers, Ghazwan and Adnan, must now attempt to rebuild their lives with the whereabouts of their father, mother and baby brother unknown. Faced by local and international complexities, which continue to affect rescue and accountability efforts eight years after the genocide, the siblings must turn to a network of Yazidi rescuers in the search for their missing family members.

The story takes place over three years, across Iraq, Turkey and Syria, highlighting the ongoing and long-lasting impact of ISIS atrocities. Mediha takes us on her quest for justice, confronting her trauma and pain through personal video-diaries, and reclaiming her voice by initiating investigations into her perpetrator.