Daria Price, Director/Producer

About the Project
"Best Documentary"
2013 Boston International Film Festival
Out On A Limb explores the evolution of prosthetics and the exciting advances being made at the intersection of neuroscience, engineering, and robotics. From Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab and other leading universities, to the Amputee Coalition's camp for kids, what was once futuristic is occurring now and changing what it means to lose a limb. Advances in prosthetics always coincide with wars, but recent conflicts have spurred unprecedented funding, including the "Revolutionizing Prosthetics" project. Soldiers who have lost limbs receive the most media attention, but they are a fraction of the millions of amputees who are invisibly all around us. A science story and a human story, Out On A Limb shows the impact of this transformative science as revolutionary prosthetics move from the lab to the bodies of amputees.