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The Pilgrims: The Journey to a New World for Autism

  • Amanda Copeland, Director
  • Aaron Ryder, Producer
  • Rodrigo Garcia, Producer
  • Amanda Copeland, Producer

About the Project

The Only Film Ever Made to Change the AUTISM Epidemic. Autism is the largest, most urgent childhood health epidemic in the world today, dwarfing AIDS, childhood cancers, and all childhood disorders and diseases, combined. In the US alone in 2010, more than 70,000 children will be born with autism. Worldwide the tally is in the millions. Autism is a life-stealing neurological disorder, stopping millions of children from growing into productive adulthood. The film aims to revolutionize prevention, intervention, and recovery in autism. The Pilgrims, the journey to a new world for autism, narrated by Aidan Quinn, is the first film to address the civil rights crisis, corruption, and treatment myths in autism. An epic love story set against the majestic Pyrenees in Spain, 3 children on the autism spectrum walk the mythical Camino de Santiago, as the civil rights crisis, and toxic environmental triggers that cause autism unravel in the "real world."