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Alice Henty

Alice Henty

Headshot of an adult with long dark hair wearing a white T, black blazer and silver necklace.

Award-winning producer whose career started with the Oscar-winning One Day in September [2000]. Most recently, she produced Victim/Suspect with CIR and Motto Pictures, which premiered at Sundance 2023 and is now streaming on Netflix, and she is a Consulting Producer on Queendom, which premiered at SXSW 2023 and won a Jury Prize at CPH:Dox. She was the lead producer on Welcome to Chechnya [HBO] with David France, which won prizes at Sundance, Berlinale, and countless other festivals, before going on to win producing awards at DOC NYC and Cinema Eye as well as a BAFTA, Peabody and Grierson Awards. Prior to that she produced The Work [The Orchard/Topic], which won the Grand Jury prize at SXSW 2017, the Audience Award at Sheffield and was a Gotham Award nominee. Previous credits include Skyladder, Happy Valley, Citizen Koch, Beware of Mr. Baker, Buck and The Tillman Story. She is currently producing two feature documentaries with first-time directors and developing a series with David France. She is a Sundance Creative Producing Fellow, an active member of the DPA and an Academy member [doc branch].

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As our everyday lives become progressively computational, the majority of our actions are increasingly trackable. This presents new challenges, ethical concerns, and emerging production realities that documentary practitioners must navigate. SPECTRES is a two part forum with documentary producers, directors, academics, and security experts that attempts to demystify digital security and its need within documentary production. This series will culminate in a best practices field guide for documentarians and a burner OS that allows makers to ingest, edit, and communicate securely, which will be published in 2024.