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Doc U: A Conversation with Joe Berlinger

By IDA Editorial Staff

If the name Joe Berlinger rings a bell, you're probably a big fan of Metallica. Most likely, though, it's because the IDA has done a lot of advocacy work on his behalf. During his struggles with Crude, the IDA and a group of filmmakers that includes Academy Award winners and nominees issued an open letter in support of the filmmaker, objecting to a judge's ruling that Chevron could subpoena Mr. Berlinger's footage from his film.

Now, the IDA is continuing our strong relationship with Berlinger and his work by hosting Doc U: A Conversation with Joe Berlinger followed by a special preview screening of HBO Documentary Films' Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory at the Cinefamily this Monday, October 17.

We're proud to announce a special preview screening of HBO Documentary Films' Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory, the third documentary feature Berlinger and Bruce Sinofsky have produced for HBO over the past two decades covering the trials, convictions and incarceration of the West Memphis 3. Before the film begins, IDA's Board President Eddie Schmidt will engage in a behind-the-scenes discussion with Berlinger about the making of the Paradise Lost films. The two will also touch on Berlinger's own legal struggles with Chevron around his 2009 film Crude.

We hope you can join us at 7pm at the Cinefamily for a rich discussion and a captivating story.

To learn more and buy tickets for this event, please visit our EventBrite page.

Doc U is the International Documentary Association's series of educational seminars and workshops for aspiring and experienced documentary filmmakers. Taught by artists and industry experts, participants receive vital training and insight on various topics including: fundraising, distribution, licensing, marketing, and business tactics.


Doc U is made possible by generous grants and contributions from our donors. Special support provided by: