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IDA After Dark: A Midsummer Night's Mixer

By Tom White

Despite cross-town competition from Outfest, a hearty crowd gathered at the E. 3rd Steakhouse in downtown LA last night for IDA's fourth mixer of the year. Fueled by a steady stream of microbrews, with nary a steak consumed, IDA Members, Board members and staffers swapped insights and ideas about where and how to get their work out there, and what docs are currently shifting the terrain. Spotted among the mixers were Board members Senain Kheshgi, Laurie Ann Schag, Gilda Brasch and Moises Velez, as well as Executive Director Michael Lumpkin, Membership Manager Maria Arzola and Webmaster Mark Dischler. Also stoking the conversations were former mPRm and Warner Independent Pictures reps Laura Kim and James Lewis, as well as editor Lisa Day.

Up next on the social calendar: the 2009 DocuWeeks kickoff party-Thursday, July 30. Stay tuned!

Photo: Juan Ed Ruvalcaba

IDA Board Member Moises Velez has also added this take on the evening:

We had approx 120-130 people show up and it was an energetic and engaged crowd. Many new faces, which is a big plus, many returning people bringing new faces, which is a vote of confidence and again, a big plus.

Things overheard and seen:

Various occasions where people told stories of getting a gig from a connection at past IDA mixers.(People actually still get jobs these days. Amazing!)

A filmmaker from Detroit in Los Angeles four days happily finding new connections.

Photo: Tom White
A new member getting answers about how to find fellow member profiles.

Kate from Videosymphony meeting the people they are supporting: the documentary community.

A new member who had just written a complimentary email about an article in the magazine happily surprised to be able to meet and speak with the editor. (Thanks Tom!)

Our lovely and wonderful board members representing: Gilda, LaurieAnn and Senain holding court and mixing. (I still owe Senain a drink. Sorry.)

Photo: Tom White

And plenty of good conversation and more connecting. I got an email last night from a happy new member thanking the IDA: "Thanks again for hosting this shindig--good times! intelligent people! lack of pretension! Whew! Looking forward to another one of these as well as DocuWeeks -- Wendi"

Board members got shout outs. (could you hear that Mr. Chapnick?) Cards exchanged. Twitter names proudly displayed and followed on site. Strangers made lunch meeting plans, people were excited about DocuWeeks, and apparently there was even a love connection by the end of the night. Yes, all the talk about digital distribution and grant writing can put one in the mood.

Photo: Tom White

Thanks to the Board members who were able to make it, and thanks to all of you who will join us in the future.

Our esteemed ED Michael was in the house but I didn't get to buy him a drink either. Also there, Mark, Tom (taking pictures, writing notes), Mario and Susana (our interns rock), and of course Maria spearheading this low key but cool and consistent evening.

Moises Velez