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Doctober 1999

By Beverly Shaffer

Image Properties

Dear IDA,

I want to thank you for selecting Just a Wedding to participate in the DOCtober Festival. The film is newly released, as you know, so I was happy to see it projected on the big screen. People seem to really like the film—I'm encouraged by that.

I'm sure you know already, but let me tell you anyway how hard your special events coordinator, Melissa Disharoon, worked and how helpful she was. Thelma Vickroy's outreach program is a great idea. I must admit, when I saw all of those elementary school children pile into the theater, I was a little alarmed at the possibility of a rowdy, ill-behaved audience. Thelma assured me that the children were well prepared for their film theater experience. And she was right! They proved to be a delightful audience. Their questions were refreshing. It was a pleasure to view my film through their eyes.


Beverly Shaffer


National Film Board of Canada