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Human Rights Watch—the largest U.S.-based organization devoted to safeguarding human rights internationally—founded its annual film and video festival
Despite hard times in the former Soviet Union, St. Petersburg in spring and summer is getting to be film festival city. This year, Russia's shimmering
P.O.V. co-executive producer Ellen Schneider calls them "drama[s] that no screenwriter could fabricate." Critic and scholar Pat Aufderheide sees them
Editor's note: In November 1994, San Francisco filmmaker Lisanne Skyler achieved the dream of many independent documentarians when she was informed
For film and video documentarians, what's the best-kept secret film festival in America? Here's my candidate: the Vermont International Film Festival
A little-known chapter in documentary history is that of Japan's pre-World War II proletarian film movement. The organization at the core of this
Documentaries at this year's Berlin International Film Festival, which was held February 9-20, were most in evidence at the International Forum of
"When Strangers Meet" was the motto of the 14th Hawaii International Film Festival, held November 4-17, 1994, in Oahu, Maui, Hawaii, and neighboring
Many people ask, and rightly so: Of what use it is to spend the money and time schmoozing at festivals and markets? Whether one has a clearly defined
"Hey, did you hear that Martin Scorsese is making a film in Toronto?" "No, what is it?" "It's called Clean Streets." That's an appropriate joke for