Amina Warsuma, Director/Producer
Jayson Warsuma, Producer

About the Project
They are the happiest people on the planet. It is not about running the race; it’s about finishing the LA Marathon without injury.
This story is about Jayson Warsuma, preparing for the Marathon. He isn’t paid to be an athlete in the races, and he’s like every other everyday person who runs because they love the sport and the attainment of medals.
Every year in the spring, thousands of people from Los Angeles and all over California and the world come to run in the LA Marathon. It is and has been the social diversity and a historical event of the past 38 years. All races, ages, sizes, creeds, and colors of people come together for one goal: to cross the LA Marathon's finish line.
Those who are a part of the LA Road Runners are a group of diverse, joyful runners who have been training together for many years in harmony to maintain their health and achieve their goal of winning medals. It is one big happy family who supports each other it is a lifestyle. They are the most positive, attractive, happiest, and energetic people. The world is filled with chaos and division; seeing how happy, peaceful, content, and unified they all are, it's beautiful.
I am seeking funding for Post and distribution deliverables. I would like to share the rights for a price and royalty payments from TV network and DVD sales, domestic and international. All the TV Networks need is five or one big commercial sports sponsor. Except shoes because Asics shoes sponsored the Marathon and is shown in the film.