Nick Molle, Director/Producer

About the Project
Rocky Mountain National Park is currently undergoing an unprecedented surge in visitors. As millions of people move into the Front Range of Colorado and millions of Americans along with world travelers are discovering and re-discovering our National Parks, the impact is stressing both the infrastructure and environment of our Park and the nearby communities. Visitation is growing exponentially. Quantity is poised to overpower the quality of the experience.
Nature of the Beasts is a made for PBS documentary addressing not only human impact on a natural wilderness environment but the human need for the natural experience. Told through the eyes of artists and scientists and the artist and scientist inside each of us, this is a story of hope for the future of a national park surviving generations of changes; a story of how the Park and we the caretakers can work to assure generations to come a positive experience in the best of wilderness environments our planet has to offer.
Thoughtfully expressed with input from artists and scientists, Nature of the Beasts, features detailed wildlife observation, examining the place and connection of the living things sharing an ecosystem.