'Photographic Memory' opens October 12 in New York City through First Run Features.

There was plenty to look forward to at the 11th Tribeca Film Festival. More than 30 documentaries played in competition and non-competition sections
About a Hero is set to have its world premiere as the opening film at IDFA tomorrow. It’s based on a script generated by an AI trained on Werner Herzog’s interviews, voiceovers, and writing. The resulting film, full of ironic self-reflection, explores themes of originality, authenticity, common sense, and the human soul in an era shaped by machine-human relationships. The filmmakers employ a variety of AI tools—from scripting to voice synthesis to image experimentation. The film is also intercut with documentary interviews with various artists about AI. We spoke with Piotr Winiewicz, the film’s director, in advance of the film’s premiere over Zoom and email.

Editor's Note: This article is adapted from the fourth edition of Sheila Curran Bernard's Documentary Storytelling: Creative Nonfiction on Screen

Theater begins alone, a seed in the mind of a playwright, nourished by imagination until a script is born. Many caretakers—actors, directors

A review of Sheila Curran Bernard's 'Documentary Storytelling for Film and Videomakers'

Not so long ago, before the introduction of videotape, almost all documentary films made in England were shot on 16mm, and scriptwriting was mandatory

Editor's Note: You can see Alex Gibney in conversation with Ben Mankiewicz in person on Monday, September 28 in Los Angeles. More info and purchase

Our recent Doc U proves that writers love to talk about writing!