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When IDA launched the Enterprise Documentary Fund at Sundance 2017, the festival coincided with the Women's March and Trump's inauguration. The
We most often associate the radical activism of the 1960s and 1970s with people of color, students, women and veterans organizing to make systemic
Investigative documentary filmmaking is at its best when it’s telling difficult, controversial and even dangerous stories that push boundaries and
Journalism works to hold the powerful accountable, whether it is public officials or private corporations, provoking a public reckoning with
By Bruce D. Brown and Simon Kilmurry In August, as many as 100 officers from the Durham Constabulary in England and the Police Service of Northern
One problem with speaking truth to power is that sometimes, the powerful don’t like it. Although filmmakers can significantly reduce the likelihood of
Accuracy, facts and fairness are hallmarks of nonfiction storytelling and sacrosanct in journalism. Documentary filmmakers are obliged to follow local
If news media is to be believed, America is currently besieged by a state of nearly intractable divisiveness that some believe may be signaling the
As the third round of applications opens later this month on Thursday, February 28, we invited Assia Boundaoui to share her story behind the IDA Enterprise Documentary Fund funded project and what it means to be a documentary journalist.
In 2018, journalism is a dangerous career. Professionals and citizen journalists find themselves attacked on social media, on the phone or in person